Ear Piercing Aftercare
Your was piercing was done under aseptic conditions, and with a sterile needle. Your body should immediately start clotting at the site of the wound, and use other mechanisms to help it heal. A mild degree of redness, swelling, and heat at the piercing are all normal. A normal piercing could be tender for a few days. The discomfort is most often noticed periodically. Ibuprofen is the drug of choice for people who can safely take it (ADVIL, or generic). It will relieve discomfort and decrease swelling. Tylenol can be taken but aspirin is not recommended as it can interfere with clotting and may make you bleed more…if that is a concern. ICE WILL HELP A LOT AND SHOULD BE PUT ON THE PIERCING AS SOON AS PRACTICAL--- like, when you get home! You can put ice on it as often as you want. A wound that is healing can become a little itchy. Don’t scratch at it.
You have been provided with a bottle of Benzylkonium Chloride (Studex). This solution should be used on a saturated Q-tip TWICE A DAY. Use the Q-tip to remove any debris in or on the piercing while cleaning it. Wash your hands with soap and water before tending to your piercing. If you have threaded jewelry, check to see that the ball or gem is “finger tight” on the post. Always rotate a ball or gems clock-wise into the post, so that you don’t accidentally loosen it. If you have a captive bead ring or circular jewelry, rotate the ring so that it does not become attached to the skin.. Use a Q-tip to push away any skin that may be trying to attach or grow over the jewelry. Remove any nasty build-up that may appear on the piercing or on the jewelry. After a few days, you may notice a bump or callous on the front or back at the site of the piercing. This is a mound of dead skin cells that usually takes a week or so to go away. We recommend warm sea salt compresses with a half a teaspoon of sea salt and 8 ounces of water. If that does not work, you can use hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip twice a day on the bump. Vitamin C, multivitamins, and zinc supplements have been used successfully to aid quick healing. Jewelry should be cleaned regularly for the life of the piercing.
Please avoid the nasty habit of “playing with your piercing” ESPECIALLY WITH DIRTY HANDS
It is fine to go swimming or to go in the ocean with a fresh piercing. Please clean the piercing with your Studex solution afterwards. We recommend you stay out of contaminated water ( creeks /lakes ) and public Jacuzzis for a week or two.
It may take up to a year or two for a piercing to fully heal to the point where you can leave the jewelry out for a few days and it won’t close up. If you decide that you no longer want the piercing, you can remove the jewelry and continue to clean the wound for a few days. You may have a tiny scar if removed within the first few months. If left in longer, you may see a slightly more noticeable scar/dimple.
NJ law requires us to describe the signs and symptoms of an infection, therefore: The signs or symptoms of an infection may include excessive soreness, abnormal swelling, redness or heat, accompanied by pus or a foul smelling odor coming from a wound. If you think you have an infection or a serious problem you should contact us and/or see a physician (at your own expense).
Healthy living, a high-quality diet, and good hydration will promote healing. Remember……Don’t drink and drive, and be nice to dogs.
Feel free to email questions, comments, or concerns to: headtattoo@aol.com